a young priest
full name: billy lee black
age: sixteen, born year 9983
height: five feet seven inches
weight: one hundred thirty lbs.
birthplace: solaris
current location: aquvy islands
solarian minister number: 321658-11
ether alignment: 290 (higher than anyone save fei or elly)
anima alignment: 92
scent: cK be
occupation: priest of the ethos; etone; keeper of an orphanage
childhood idol: bishop stone
basic equipment: holy habit, holy pendant, stamina ring s
gear: renmazuo
guns: b&jm10 gun, matchlock, b&jm686 gun, godfather, shotgun
deathblows: adams apple, gunholic, hell blast, nut crack, sky walker, devil blast, banfrau, true dream, holy gate, dear friend
ether abilities: purity light, healing light, holy light, goddess call, goddess eyes, water shield, fire shield, wind shield, earth shield, goddess wake
seiyuu: ueda yuuji [amiboshi, suboshi (fushigi yuugi); kimbley (fullmetal alchemist)]
many thanks to the rpg icon archive.