final fantasy viii

The Dreaming
by llamajoy
A quiet Winhill afternoon and the reunion of old friends. /_^
Taste of Danger
by llamajoy
The inception of the Disciplinary Committee. ^_#
Final Heaven
by Tenshi
From Metal Knuckle to Meteor Barret, AND the tattoo. ^_^}
Hindi Diamonds
by Tenshi
by llamajoy
^/_^ Love is a battlefield. ^_\^
Here and Now
by llamajoy
^/_^ Early one morning... ^_\^
by llamajoy
^/_^ ... and later that afternoon. ^_#
Storm Warning
by llamajoy
Dreaming alone on a SeeD exam morning. ^/_^
by llamajoy
^/_^ The storm hits. ^_\^
Good Enough
by llamajoy
The Disciplinary Committee, after the famous duel. ^_#
Random Encounter
by Tenshi
^_^} The story that started it all. ^_\^
Zell and Squall and Post-Traumatic Sex-- I mean Stress-- Disorder.
Sense of Fear
by llamajoy
^/_^ Will you be a SeeD, or will you be a man?
...I will be a lion. ^_\^
Just Swimmingly
by Tenshi
Real men don't ask for directions.
Sorceress Dreams
by llamajoy
^/_^ A sestina for Seifer.
Le Chevalier Mal Fet
by llamajoy
^/_^ The sorceress, her knight, and the one caught between. ^_#
Desperate Measures
by Tenshi
^/_^ Zell makes a bargain for Squall's safety... ^_^}
by llamajoy
^/_^ ...and Seifer doesn't always get what he wants. ^_\^
Rescue by the Book
by Tenshi
Run, Zell, run. ^_^}
Golden Hour
by Tenshi
^_\^ In the showers, all these years later. ^_^}
Angel of the Morning
by Tenshi
^_\^ Comfort where least expected. ^_^}
Innocent Man
by Tenshi
I guess you'd rather be a martyr tonight...
by Tenshi
I am the Messenger.
The Successor
[otherwise known at THE AU]
by Tenshi
Squall goes into space to rescue Rinoa, and fails.
The sorceress power is passed on...
Turn a Blind Eye
by llamajoy
Right before her famous posse speech. ^_#
Who Has Seen the Wind?
by llamajoy
Well, somebody cares about Fuu, ya know?
The Compression of Time
Fighting across generations...
Vividarium Intervigilium Viator
by llamajoy
In the Garden sleeps a Messenger.
Edge of Time
by llamajoy
This is the way the world ends...
Darkened Sky
by llamajoy
^/_^ Find another sorceress. ^_#
by llamajoy
^/_^ A sunny Balamb pier, a fishing pole, and thou? ^_#
Make Me Smile
by llamajoy
^/_^ At last, some angst resolution. ^_#
The first time
by llamajoy
^/_^ A teeny tiny poemlet. ^_#
Only Time
Who can say if your love grows as your heart chose?
by Tenshi
It's not a question but a lesson learned in time--
Irvine gives them back their past.
Touchstone, part two
by Tenshi
^_\^ Once more, with feeling. ^/_^
(Try Not to Breathe)
by llamajoy
^/_^ (I will hold my breath until all these shivers subside) ^_#
Violence of the Storm
by Tenshi
Zell lets Quezacotl go.
Menage a Triad
by Tenshi
It's a late night card game, and the stakes are high...
5' 5" not counting the hair... ^_^}
Random Rules
by Tenshi
...Is Irvine on a winning streak? Sequel to the above.
Silver and Gold
by Tenshi
written for holiday 2001: some people are harder to get gifts for than others.
funnies & miscellaneous
by Tenshi
Seifer and Treize. mrrowr.
It's a Wonderful Final Fantasy
by Tenshi
FF8 remake of the holiday classic.
The Politically Correct FFVIII Fic
by Tenshi
...not for the faint of heart.
by Tenshi
What really happens after that final FMV.
Daddy Almasy
by llamajoy
Why psychos shouldn't breed-- or should they? ^/_^