fullmetal alchemist
Physical Change
by Tenshi
Can you hear the cat inside the box?
Plod Dumbly On and Dream
by llamajoy
Holiday 2004: Al and the absence of pain.
Holding Heat
by llamajoy
Conductivity. Drabble.
My Alchemical Romance
by Tenshi
Drag another cliche howling from the vaults... (State Army et al.)
Hands Clean :: Supposed Crimes & Protégé
by Tenshi
If it weren't for your maturity, none of this would have happened...
Dance Along the Edge
by Tenshi
Roy/Riza and a razorblade romance.
Not a Day for Studying
by llamajoy
Al, at the end of the series.
Peach Appreciation Day
by llamajoy & Tenshi
Deeply goofball correspondence fic. Not to be taken too seriously.